Thanksgiving Blues


***encouragement/advice needed

So I cannot begin to describe how much I loathe Thanksgiving because of the genocide of natives but let's get to the point. Tomorrow will be my first Thanksgiving as an out lesbian. I will get the privilege of being the walking, talking elephant in the room. I'm stressing because my stepmom's (who hates me) mother is coming and I already had a pretty intense argument with her on Facebook this summer. She went ballistic saying the devil was my master and shit like that. I stood up for myself, and I have zero intentions of apologizing. ever. Aside from her my grandmother is coming, who I have yet to come out to. I think my grandmother knows I'm gay though, it's mixed signals since she's super religious. She met my (girlfriend) "bestie" at my 20th birthday dinner for the first time and ever since she has been mentioning her a lot. According to what I've told her I've been single for the past three years. I'm just frustrated and really stressing over this.