Christmas present pregnancy revel for family ideas?


Okay so yeah I am 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and my boyfriend and I took 2 pregnancy tests and not the cheap ones either but at the same time tho they were not the super duper expensive ones either, but regardless I took 2 tests while my boyfriend was right there for me cuz even though we definitely have not been together all that long like at all but either way we can both feel deep down inside each other that even if we do happen to have one or two stupid minuscule little disagreement throughout the day that no matter what we are still re completely and totally devoted to each other and that this too shall pass. We truly is my best friend and the man who I love and always will too. But any way so our story such as it is started with him and I being friends, flirty friends, but still friends nonetheless lol. Well, we hung out one day and we had begun to actually talk about possibly dating each other which was when he told me that there was a fairly decent chance that he may be sterile but that he didn’t entirely know for sure but he told me he had been with quite a few girls which a few he dated for a extensive period of time and in that whole 12 year span he had yet to ever even a pregnancy scare let alone any of the girls ever actually getting pregnant or anything. But, he did tell me that one day as soon as we were stabile financially and stuff then we could go together to sex a specialist to determine whether or not that he was actually sterile and all our options were and that one day he would give me the thing that he knew I had always wanted my whole life! We eventually started dating about 2 months ago and we started sleeping together fairly early on in the relationship and we never really used condoms or anything because we were both under the impression that he was unable to conceive. The first day of my last period I had was on 10/6/17 and according to this app I was due for my next period on 11/5/17 well that very day I was kicked out of my moms and I ended up moving in with my boyfriend it was either that or homeless shelter. Well, my aunt who was dropping me off made me do a pregnancy test before she took me to my boyfriends and it was really just one of those little $1 tests and dollar general or whatever.well, that test came out negative but I was still experiencing practically any and every type of early pregnancy so I talked with my boyfriend and we decided to wait until I was 2 weeks late for my period for me to try another test and yeah like I said we did 2 decent types of tests that both came out as positive like legit RIGHT AWAY my boyfriend had even said that. So no obviously we are not exactly in an ideal position to be having a child but I know exactly how both he and I are and I can guarantee you that neither one of us are going to just go right on ahead and just throw in the towel or whatever regardless of what complication is thrown our way, we are trauma survivors so I have a feeling that if we can survive going through true hell and making it back in one piece lolz. But yeah so apparently I am actually now carrying a TRUE MIRACLE BABY inside of me. At first my boyfriend had needed a bit of time to be able to process it and everything so yeah now he seems to be pretty excited like he posted the pregnancy test on social media.and he has even told a good bit of some of his buddies which actually makes me extremely happy I was terrified that he would hate me for life! But anyway so yeah it’s getting suuuuper close to being Christmas time and we were actually considering like as far as getting everyone a gift that instead just buying them something that is basically insignificant and instead like actually make each and every single person something but we are not too sure as to like what exactly to actually do like it would be for like his sister as well as her 2 very young twin daughters, his mother and possibly step father I’m not sure exactly and then also for his grandma and maybe step grandpa and hell probably even for a couple of his friends as well I mean truthfully I honestly don’t have any clue as to like exactly who all that he actually has in mind to give whatever we end up coming up with to.

**So yeah I need some help what would be some good suggestions on what to do as a present to let everyone know that I am actually pregnant. So any suggestions would definitely help a ton!!**