Weak immune system after miscarriage??


I had an early miscarriage near the middle of September and since then I’ve had a steady stream of different illnesses. It started with a bad urinary tract infection due to the excessive bleeding (about 45 days), then the antibiotics I was prescribed to cure that caused oral thrush (basically a yeast infection in my mouth). Then when that started to get better, I was hit with a terrible flu with fever lasting 2 days. When the fever passed, it turned into a sore throat and cough for a week. Then that turned into an ear infection which I needed drops for (another week). Now I woke up this morning with a sore throat again and pink eye in both eyes! I’m not usually sick except maybe seasonal sniffles once a year... now it’s been over 2 months of this and I just want to feel normal again. I’m supposed to travel to Cuba for vacation on Tuesday and I don’t want to come back with every gosh darn illness known to man. I just want to know, is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this kind of weakened immune system after a miscarriage? Is there an end in sight?