Pregnant and Blood Pocket


I found out I was pregnant and at about six weeks I started having some spotting so I went in to my doctor. They did a vaginal sonogram and blood work and said everything looked fine, some people just spot. A couple of days later I started pouring blood late at night. I called and they told me to either go to the emergency room then or come in and see them first thing the next morning. I went in the next morning and they did a vaginal ultrasound again and said that I have a blood pocket and didn't give me much information other than that I would probably still have some spotting. I have read where this is called a subchronic hemorrhage but my doctor only ever called it a blood pocket. Well it's now a week later and I had a small stringy blood clot a couple of days ago and nothing since then, but today I just had another small stringy blood clot and still spotting since. Can anyone tell me more about this? Would this be the end of the pocket of blood maybe? It freaks me out every time.