Almost 9PM..

and my bf NOW wants to make plans. I'm so fed up and angry this is every weekend literally. and now that's it's thanksgiving. he waits til 5-6pm to get our day started. how does that even make sense? He went to "work" on the car outside to not even being out there. he went to the other house to work on it their because his parents were using the garage. when I called to ask how much longer I felt something off and asked who was he with. he was smoking with his friend. it was around 4pm and this is a constantly an argument every a SAHM, i don't get to go out ever. he still goes to smoke with any of his friends after work during the weekdays all I asked was for is one day. I told him I am starting to feel depressed and trapped at home. I'm not allow to drive the car because the motor is mest up. it needed an oil change and other reasons. there's is no nearby stores by where we live. I usually just go to DD buy a coffee and go to target Afterwards. that's my idea Of "Me Time" because I don't have anyone to talk to. I started crying today and I already felt a break down happening he tried kissing my ass afterwards. I went to take a quick shower while he watched DD that lasted 10 min I hurried and got changed but had to wait laundry to be done because I asked him for days to put in a load and he did it today last minute. i know i could of done it myself but he has literally been doing nothing at all. so ofcourse time flies by he takes a shower and I finish doing while he does that. DD is having a fit because she hasn't slept or ate much. My bf then says he doesn't want to go to the mall as plan. I get annoyed and now it's just whatever. I told him they are going to close midnight and he's still laying there. I just want to yell at him to get the fuck up! our day is gone and now he's looking at places to eat. it's thanks giving everything is close already he doesn't seem to get that through his head so I walk away and go downstairs. I feel really sad and lonely looking through my 'friend's and sisters snap chat and everyone with their family. My parents decided to be mad at each other today and I feel so bad for my dad because he gets down during the holidays. I feel like I'm heading towards that direction.