Birth story


On Monday I went into the ob clinic at 2 because he said I had preeclampsia and wanted to check me out. So my SO came in and my ob said he would be inducing me the next morning at 7 am. We got to the er/clinic. Since than I have 2 different medians vaginal put in than I had protosin put on my iv. I only had 1 or 2 cm every time he checked me. He broke my water yesterday when I was 3 cm. Finally at 10pm it was time to push. 2 epidurals, throwing up the whole time and not having any soils foods all day. Just to see my baby girl. In the end I had to have a c section. She is a little stubborn baby just like her mom. She weighs 8 pounds 10 oz, 21 inches long. The way this little girl looks at me is so cute. I wouldn't trade her for anything.