Hot Tub and TTC- help it’s my fertile week!

🌻 • 👩🏻🧔🏻🧒🏼👶🏼❤️

Hi everyone. I’m hoping someone can help me here. I stopped BC in July but have only been really TTC for 2 months. We just moved and our new house as a hot tub. At first I was excited but obviously after reading up on it- it’s definitely a big no for sperm.

Last month when AF arrived we lowered the temperature to 95 (which was kinda cold!) but we went it. After that WE (but really me lol) decided that he wouldn’t go in till we conceived.

Welllll last night we come home from Thanksgiving and he really wanted to go in. It was set at 101. And he lowered it to 97 (and waited till it reached that temp). And he was in there for about 15-20.

I hate hate hate to be this controlling wife but it just upset me. I’m in my fertile week and I don’t want anything hindering our chances. It’s already hard enough.

Thoughts? At 97 degrees- which honestly I would have felt better if it was 96 or 95 is lower than our body temp. Would his guys have a better chance of surviving? Or did this completely kill my chances for this month?!

Thank you for any light you can shed on this. Good luck and baby dust to everyone!