Husband threatened me ..

Rosey • Mommy to 2 beautiful princesses 🎀❣️

So last night my husband and I had an argument on our way to my moms for thanksgiving.. he got mad at me before because I was getting my stuff ready to take a shower and we usually go together so he thought I wasn’t going to invite him and said very rudely “what no invite” I thought What is wrong with this guy is he stupid ?? And I got a little irritated and snapped back saying “I’m just getting my stuff ready wth” he got mad then we took a shower without saying a word to each other we got dressed Kaye’s back down in bed for a little then he got up grabbed his phone turned off the light and shut the door leaving me in a dark room like I even cared . He was being super childish so w.e we get ready to head to my moms we get in his car he turns on his radio super high and doesn’t say a word to me then we get to my moms and get out of his car to walk to my moms apartment and I say in a stern voice “ I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you but you really need to relax” he responds back “don’t talk to me like that” I said “ I can talk to you how ever the hell I want just as you think you can talk to me how ever you want” he said “keep on talking to me like that and see what happens” that drew the line with me . I’ve grown up watching every single woman in my family being beat by their man that’s not something I will tolerate meanwhile I’m also 6 Months PREGNANT with our first. I told him continue threatening me and YOU watch what happens . I haven’t said a word to him since and don’t want to speak to him at all . Am I to blame for this argument? Or should I give him the silent treatment until he feels like a piece of shit for threatening his pregnant wife ??