Damn doctor!


I just received a call from my drs office. The nurse informed me that my progesterone levels were “ not good ovulation “. Those were the words she said my dr used. Now this is only my 2nd month on clomid. I started at 50 milligrams he then put me on 150 this last month. Also I don’t ovulate on day 14. I have a 32-33 day cycle. I ovulate on day 18. I get progesterone levels done day 21. I brought this up to the dr. If it’s only 3 days and not 7, would my results be accurate? Apparently they want me to see a fertility specialist. The issue I’m having is hen I went to see him 2 months ago, he said clomid for 6 months, then metformin for 6 months, and last a fertility specialist. First off isn’t there higher dosages? And what is he basing my results on?