Okay guys 🤦‍♀️

So idk what to do. Someone has been using my pictures on this website called meet me. I don’t even have one. Well my friend does and she called me up and was like

Bitch get on FaceTime right now. And and so I did. And she pulled up her account and and goes to this profile and it was ME. Well my pictures anyway and we spent over an hour looking at this profile and it looks so fucking real. If I wasn’t me then I would think it’s real! Hundreds of guys are in the comments on the pictures and statues and I mean ALOT. You can tell whoever made this account put a lot of effort into it. But I am ENGAGED they know a lot about me and it’s crazy. They have my Snapchat picturess and Idk how because there are no screen shot things on my pictures when I do Snapchat. She even messaged the account and he blocked her really quick. I made an account using my fiancé’s cousins pictures because he doesn’t have social media and we are gunna try to get some kinda number and figure who thinks this is okay!