
I never got to say goodbye or even "see you around". When I left everything happened so quickly and my life was a mess. It felt best to keep my distance and let the dust settle. I didn't know I would never see you again. I'm so sorry. I can't stop crying. I can't imagine how scared you may have been if you were awake and couldn't get out of your burning house. I never in my wildest dreams could've imagined that something so horrible would happen to take the lives of you and your brother. You were one of the few who saw the way I was being treated at work and the sexism I dealt with in my position. You always listened and heard me out. You knew it was wrong. I can't believe you are gone. You loved to talk, sometimes making it hard to say anything at all, but that didn't matter. You were one of the sweetest, kindest, and most curious souls I had the pleasure of knowing. Thank You for being my friend for that 7 months...I wish I could've told you that. Rest in peace brother.