Hoping to Leave my Mom

I'm 19 and I'm college. For years I've wanted to move out because I've felt my mother is verbally abusive. She says things like "you'd be so much prettier if you lost weight, did your hair, wear make up, etc." she will also always pull "in the mother do what I say always" or "I'm oldest so I'm always right" when, in fact, she's not. For the longest time I felt I was going crazy because if she couldn't remember something she just called me a liar. I'm not allowed to buy things she doesn't like, and if I do she will say it's ugly or threaten to throw it away. I love at home/dorms. I'm working to save money to move out, I'm thinking I might need two jobs. I'm getting my license soon, it was put off for reasons, and need help. How can I prepare to live on my own? How did you do it? Thank you