I went shopping with my oldest daughter and my mom on Black Friday

I went shopping with my oldest daughter and my mom on Black Friday. We started at about 10 in thanksgiving evening and about that time the contractions started. They started at about 20 minuets apart and I thought maybe that would be the night considering her due date was the very next day. At 1:08 my contractions got to every 5 minuets. At that point I finally told my mom about the labor pains. Having had a daughter before I knew exactly what to look out for. Nothing he same happened btw. The hospital I went to was about a 3 hour drive. About halfway there my water broke. I stared crying hysterically. Like it was bad. My oldest daughter Oakley started crying and I felt horrible that I scared her. Finally we made it to the hospital and I was at a 10 ready to push. I started to push at 12:53 and had her at 8:34. Her dad is currently in another country doing missionary work so he will see her in a few weeks. Only 5% of babies are born in their due date. Welcome to the world Olivia Jade💓 (not putting pictures on here because of some previous drama with my sister on this app)