What the πŸ˜«πŸ™„πŸ‘‰πŸΌ irregular luteal length??


Hey ladies!

My husband and I have been TTC #2 for 4months, just started cycle 5 today πŸ˜‘ baby #1 we were blessed, got pregnant the month I came off BC. I never realized how tough #2 would be.

One thing I've noticed is my luteal phase length has not once been consistent throughout the past 4months.

Cycle 1, LP was 12days long

Cycle 2, 14 days

Cycle 3, 11 days

Cycle 4, 10 days

I was reading that the luteal phase should not vary more then +/-1 day, so why is mine?

I'm not looking for a medical diagnosis just some insight. Has anybody noticed their luteal phase being so sporadic? I plan to bring this up to OB at my next visit.