Complicated Relationships


So I have a lot going on right now with my relationships. A few weeks ago me and my boyfriend of 5 months (Josh) broke up, though it was mutual and was the best thing for both of us and I still love him( he’s my best friend how can I not). I also found out that my friend, Daisi who had liked him before we got together(we weirdly bonded over it, we both liked him though I liked him first and she told me she was over him before Josh asked me out so it wasn’t weird at the time) now has feelings for him again. That by itself is weird but not that bad, as me and Josh are now back to the way we were before we started dating, that is being best friends (we’re actually a little closer now). But our friend Nick (who we all knew liked me but I ignored it cause I wasn’t interested and I knew the slight attraction I felt was just me wanting a rebound so I didn’t do anything) recently asked Josh if he could ask me out (Josh didn’t care as long as I was happy) and finished that conversation by telling Josh that he likes him as well. Josh decided to tell me all this because he doesn’t know what to do, and I don’t either. And to top it all off an old crush of mine has recently told me she likes me so yay? Idk.

TLDR: My close guy friend likes both me and my ex boyfriend, another friend also likes my ex, and an old crush has confessed that she likes me. Uh oh. *chaos ensues*

If anyone has any advice I could really use some right now. Thanks 🙏🏾