Anyone using supplements?!


I just stared taking supplements this cycle. I’ve always hated taking pills but I’m determined to get my BFP soon.!

I have started with these in the AM:

Evening Primrose Oil (2,000mg)

Fish Oil (1,200 mg)

Vitamin D3 (2,000 IU)

Iron (65 mg)

Magnesium (250 mg)

Probiotic/Prebiotic (80mg)

Then at night I just take a generic Prenatal to top off things - it has a few extra things like Zinc in it and not too much of the other stuff so hopefully I’m not over doing it.

I also have started some yoga poses & Epsom Salt baths 2-3x a week!

This WILL be my month 🙏🏼🌈🤰🏻

What do you guys take?