Lumps in boobs. Sometimes painful? HELP


Okay so I have these lumps in my boobs. I’m 17, so I’m sure it’s not breast cancer. The first one I found is from almost 2 years ago. During this time it has shrunk and grew so many times that I lost count. At different parts of the month I either lose lumps or gain them. I went to a specialist at the children’s hospital, and they told me it was fibroids and that it was nothing they can do for me.

They told me that if the lumps grew then to come back. I went to the gynecologist and got it it checked out and she said the same thing. Sometimes I get these sharp shooting pains in my boobs. In my left one I have this really big lump like it’s about a quarter of my breast. I feel insecure about them, when I do get sexual I don’t want my partner to think it’s weird that I have these huge lumps in my boobs. The one from 2 years ago still hasn’t even shown signs of going away. Any tips? Or advice? Will I have to deal with these lumps forever? How can I get rid of them?