SLUT/PUTA...? Please be honest


So there’s this girl who I had issues with last year but then we became “friends” again, but we didn’t really like each other and it was evident but we pretended we did, and hang out as a group of 5 girls. She had a boyfriend last year and they broke up once he graduated, I started talking to that guy and it eventually became sexting/nudes, but he always used to say that they were broken off and that they might get back together but he never said it happen officially. So now my “friend” knows and she is super upset/mad, she sent this long text calling me a slut, a hoe, una vil puta, and that she hates me and that I have a new enemy and she threatened me, she also said that I broke some code that friends don’t hook up with friends exes...

Was I wrong? I already apologized but do I deserve all the hate? She turned the whole class against me and everyone hates me. I already kinda hated myself but now I’m starting to feel like she’s right and I am a shitty person and that I deserve only bad things.

Thanks for taking time to read it ❤️