Gimme ur best come back

Samantha • Aquarious. 21. Add me on insta samanthanicole.smith

Im young, i’m a FTM with a one month old.

Dad always says things that really really frustrate me, its like our relationship is a one way street. I don’t want my child growing up without a father like i did. I dont want to seperate and him only visit with his son because honestly i dont trust him alone with the baby for long intervols of time.

I love him, but idk if hes dead weight or whats better for my kid. Im not really asking if i should leave or not, but im looking for some good responces to some of the reoccurring shit he says and does . Ok for one he has a HUGE family, whos all obsessed with my son, we go over to his grandmas every weekend and all 8 of the family members living there just back to back take turns holding the baby while my boyfriend rides his dirtbike outside. Mind You they dont let him sleep, feed him change him whatever because they want to. I dont really have a problem with this because i want my son to have a big loving family something i never had. But with that being said, whenever my mother ( also obsessed with her first grandbaby and she lives with us) wants to hold the baby its a problem. He gets pissed and talks shit to me, if shes watching him he wont let her feed him says “ its a bonding thing nobody else should be feeding the baby” or if shes watching him and he wakes up he insists that she woke him up and yells and bitches to me that she never lets him sleep. Mind you she absolutley doesnt wake him up, he just swears a baby doesnt randomly wake up, ( dumbass yes they do) anyways

Some of the things he says are

“ your mom just wants to take control of our baby she doesnt need to know how his docotrs appointments go its not her kid”

Or when the birth certificate took a little while to come he swore she like stole it amd opened our mail. She didnt.

He swears shes always stealing his clothes ( no reason too just dumb )

We went to my grandmas today because my cousin from out of state was in town and wanted to see the baby he bitched up a fit the whole time until i left early, then tried to tell me i was too scared to take charge of my baby because i didnt rush to leave. This really pissed me off.

If the babys crying ( litterally only when hes hungry or has a dirty dipe ) he says things like

“Stop being a baby”

“ cal shut the fuck up”

“ stop your fucking whineing “

“ you didnt get this shit from me”

“ im not gonna have a wine ass child “

Its a problem when my mom holds the baby because “ babies arent supossed to be held all the time it just makes them cry to be held” but its fine when his whole damn family holds him for hours on hours at a time.

My mom cleaned my room for me recently to help destress me and he got super pissed and said she was nosey and just wanted to go through our shit to find something to steal.

I tell him not to smoke around the baby, and he says “ it wont kill him “

“ its my baby too” or my favorite “ you smoked while you were pregnant whats the difference” the difference is i wanted and tried to quit while i was pregnant, i feel awful that i couldnt. I cut down from a pack a day to a couple hits a day while i was pregnant but now that hes out of my stomach theres no excuse not to leave the room to smoke.

Also i take full care of the baby, i change every diaper i get up with him all night i hold my pee for what feels like an eternity. I do everything but make the money but mind you hes not employed right now, yes he makes money but hes not working. Im caring for a newborn along with 8 four week old puppies! Its a lot to handle. I dont like arguing around my kid so most of the time i just shut up and listen to his bullshit before swiflty changing the subject but im mentally exhausted. We never get into fights that arent about my mother.

Also he says things that really get under my skin about the puppies too

Some nights when they are really loud and annoying he yells and threatens to kill them and throw them out the window and just freaks out and saws awful awful things.

These are just some things that drive me absolutley crazy and i never know what to say back to prove a point hes in the wrong. He some how finds a way to twist everything.. help