2 Days of active Labor 😱☠️


My birth story begins at 3:00am August 16, 2017, funny part about this was this was my due date!

So I was up late because I was big, hot, and pregnant! Just sitting on my yoga ball when I start noticing some pain that lasted half a minute and that they were about 45 minuets apart. I was tracking them just for the hell of it but I didn’t think they were actual contractions. As the morning goes on they get closer and stronger, so I just labor at home and keep track of things because the next day I have an appointment with my Obgyn. Well it’s the 17th and my contractions are now 7 minuets apart and getting quite strong, I am now at my appointment and praying that I am dilated enough to go to the hospital. I go through everything and the doctor comes in and checks my cervix and says “well you’re at 4 cm dilated!” And I get so excited because she told me to go to the hospital. Once I get in Labor and Delivery I get my Iv and monitors on with a little bit of pain meds. Everything was going pretty good and we had our parents visiting and the doctor had me on Pitocin so things were moving along. Well then they give me my epidural and pop my water, which this wasn’t bad at all. But in the matter of 2-3 hours later my epidural wore off and I was in excruciating pain! But the pain wasn’t from my contractions it was from the epidural and the doctor and nurses were dumbfounded on why my epidural would be hurting me so bad. But I was at 9cm by then and they told me to tuff it out because the baby was almost here. 4 hours later after passing out during my contractions and waking up in horrible pain because of my back, my son’s heart rate kept dropping to 70bpm..

So they took me back for an emergency csection and that was good but I was hemorrhaging on the table. So after being in surgery for 3 hours I finally got to see my baby and husband! I finally had my beautiful son Michael Alexander born August 18, 2017 3:39am. 6lbs 1oz , 20 1/2 inches

Not a great experience but he’s beyond worth it ❤️