bfp after first pregnancy was a miscarriage


I got pregnant with my first baby sometime in late September. I took a pregnancy test on October 6th and it was positive!! I hadn't even missed my period yet. I was so excited. on October 22nd I had a miscarriage. we continued to try pretty much immediately after the bleeding stopped. I have no idea when I ovulated or when I was supposed to get my period. I took a test three days ago and it was negative. I took this test a few minutes ago and the line instantly popped up!! I immediately told my Fiancé but this time we are going to keep it a secret from everyone. we told our parents and some very close friends last time but I don't want to have to tell them again if something goes wrong. I'm scared to even make a doctors appointment because I feel like once it became real it was taken away from me. I think I'll wait a few weeks before making an appointment since they typically don't see you until 8 weeks anyways. I need all the prayers and support I can get now!!