Baby Chaz is here! πŸ’™ *birth story* πŸ’™


I was 35 weeks when I started having high blood pressure issues that my doctors were scared would turn into preeclampsia! At 36 weeks and 4 days I was checking my own blood pressure at home and it remained high for over 3 hours, 😳 on top of me having BH contractions for weeks they had started to become a lot stronger this day!! My mom told me just to go to the hospital to be on the safe side. I didn't want to in fear they would just send me home and I live 30 min away from the hospital. πŸ™„ but I went and THANK GOD I did because my BP was even higher! At that point they told me I wasn't going home without my BP under control and without a baby!! I had every emotion at this point because I wasn't expecting to hear that. They moved me to labor and delivery around 7pm, they also told me it will be faster and safe if I got a c- section, by 10:30 I was being sent in the room to get my c- section done! I cried like a baby once I walked

in that room and realized I would meet my son soon and I will be getting cut open 😨 it wasn't as bad as I imagined! On November 20th at 11:11pm weighting at 5lbs 1oz 18in long! My handsome Chaz has made his way to the world! πŸ’™πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΎ