We did it!

Never thought I'd be the one posting this, especially so soon, but we got our BFP this morning! Hubby was out of town, and coming home today, so when I picked him up, I told him "I got a early Christmas present for you, but it's not here yet, so I just have a picture." Once I showed it to him, his face dropped, and I cried. He's always thought he couldn't have kids, and well he was wrong! Also, yes, I will be making an appointment to confirm as soon as my OBGYN opens on Monday! Now I need to know 2 things: A) What are all the things I should steer clear of while pregnant? and B) I need ideas on how to announce to family! We are doing it on Christmas either way- we just need ideas on how! ***Posting anonymously incase anyone I know is on the site.