Cute guy at work continued...

So yesterday we worked together and we were talking the whole time, kind of flirting and stuff ya know regular ;). He got off an hour earlier than I did and we had plans to go to ihop so he waited for me (how sweet!). So I️ get off work and he comes over and hugs me because it’s cold and he gives me his jacket. We go to ihop and have an awesome time together! I️ drive him home and he starts talking about this guy that always hits on me at work... he says “I’m surprised he doesn’t ever bring up your lips...” and I️ was like “what about my lips?” He says “well I️ noticed that your lips look really soft and you have really nice lips.” I️ was like THIS IS IT THIS IS THE MOMENT! He says finally “so I’m gonna go out on a limb but stay with me... can I️ kiss you.?” And I️ said “yeah.. I’d like that a lot” HE KISSED ME SO SWEETLY AND I️ DIED INSIDE ISNWKDKDNW

But we’re hanging out tonight again so I’ll update again hehehehee