Deleting Glow


Ive came to the conclusion that OBSESSING over getting pregnant is actually hindering me from conceiving.

I stress about it so much that my SO and I barely even talk anymore. We have sex when I’m in my “FW” and the week after and that’s about it.

AF shows her face every month just making me depressed more and more.

So I’m going to delete this app and just start focusing on me and my relationship! I can’t make a baby if We’re not happy. He wants children probably more than I do and it’s sad that I haven’t been able to give it to him yet.

I, myself have been trying to conceive for over 5 years. With a 2 year break in between. (I tried to have a kid with my ex) but I’m glad God didn’t allow it. Now my SO and I are trying. We’ve had one chemical back in July and I had a HSG on Halloween. So I’m going to relax and let everything that’s planned for me, be.

I’m praying for you future babies

I love you more and more already

and you’re not even here yet.