So I thought I was trans...


*please read* So I thought I was ftm trans, I came out to multiple people, I even wanted to take hormones. (gay trans guy) I was 13-14 at the time. I'm still 14 going on 15. but I decided I'm happier as a girl. my extremely LGBT+ phobic family noticed, but never said anything. My dad probably feels relieved. -_- the thing is, now I've created a bad name for trans people in my family, whenever my family sees a trans kid they'll probably think "oh they'll grow out of it just like Aria did" and I was happy because my family was making the slightest bit of progress in becoming accepting. Now I've probably pushed them back further. It hurts. (And it's embarrassing to literally tell all my family I'm a boy and change my name and act like one for the next day to be 100% girl-ified. They probably don't understand or think I have a mental illness or something because they don't understand what questioning gender identity means) it sucks.