Am I miscarrying or a faulty test ? Pictures below

Michaela • Mama to Charlotte Rose 7.30.18💛 👧🏼 Chloe Evelyn 👧🏻 Caroline June 👧🏼11.05.20

I woke up yesterday morning( period was due then ) took a first response and it was right away very dark positive. Waited a few hours drank a few bottles of water took a dollar tree test . Positive . But one somewhat faint line and a dark line . Waited a few more hours took a blue dye walmart one( the purple lid with the + sign) positive .

Woke up this morning and took a different Walmart one (pink lid) . It looks like it started coming up positive then stopped ?

Am I having another missed miscarriage or is it just a faulty test ? I miscarried last year and didn’t know till my 8 week appointment and my tests were negative.