Child has delayed speech, do I say something?


My boyfriend’s nephew will be 6 in April. He started kindergarten a few months ago. The boy is super sweet but he has some issues with his speech. I don’t have kids yet (we are planning to ttc in 2018) but I see the kid every weekend.

Strangers cannot understand him at all. He has problems with s, f, th, and really most letters. (Spongebob is Bobo, three is bee, fifty-five is biggedy-by). He also doesn’t use proper grammar, he mostly uses two word sentences. Yesterday we were watching tv, a movie about Bigfoot. He pointed at the tv and yelled “he big bood!”

Now like I said I don’t have kids yet but I’m pretty sure this is not normal for an almost 6 year old. Only one little girl in his kindergarten class plays with him because the other kids cant understand him. I feel really bad for the little guy, but I’m afraid if I mention speech therapy to his parents it’ll start a huge drama. The parents seem to think he’s normal. He has an older brother who speaks perfectly normal.

Should I remain quiet since I’m not in the position to talk about kids yet?