Break up

My boyfriend of 2 and a half years just broke up with me. We went through a rough patch because my stupid ass let my ex boyfriend kiss me but I was honest to my boyfriend. Ever seen he had anger problems and try to make me jealous. I thought we were past everything but yesterday I went to his house and he didn’t even let me go in. We sat in my car and he was just telling me it was over. He is too angry to be with me and doesn’t want to “end up doing something to hurt me” it’s hard to let go because we were high school sweethearts and we were so involved in each other’s families. It has been over a year that I made the mistake of letting my ex kiss me but he never got over it. And because of it he would be secretive and talk to other girls. I’m beyond hurt because now he deleted all our photos and is cutting me out of his life. He told me he would be there for me if I needed him but that he doesn’t want me to be there for him. I’m trying to stay strong but it’s hard when we were planning our future together. Thinking about it now it was a toxic relationship but how I am supposed to get used to the fact I won’t have my best friend around anymore. I feel like he blamed me for all of his problems but his family didn’t help him. When he wasn’t making friends they bought him a book on how to make friends. All they care about his brother and I’m scared about what he will do because he’s picked up some bad habits. I wish him the best and it kills me that he said the only way we would be together is if we meant again after college or in a few years. All of my friends are telling me “he was too ugly anyways” “let’s find you someone else” but they don’t get I don’t want a relationship I just need support.