I️ spot/bleed every time I️ have sex, pls read/help!

Amber • The One Where I Figure My Life Out | Transitioning Vegan 🌱 | 7.7.17 ♡

Since I’m not sure what the cause of my issue is, I’m putting this post in “birth control” and “love and sex.”

I’ve been on the 3 month pill since July 2nd and I’ve been sexually active since July. I’ve only ever been with one guy, my boyfriend. When we first had sex I️ bled a little and it was fine, then the first few months was fine with the occasional spotting every once in a while that I️ assumed was from my birth control. I️ also assumed my spotting was possibly bc sometimes I️ miss pills and I️ don’t always take them at the right time bc I’m still trying to get the hang of it. But now 4 months later I’m starting to spot every time we have sex. For example, I️ saw him last weekend and I️ started spotting A LOT and I️ was guessing it was from the sex. I️t was like I️ was having a period. But I️ can’t have my period yet bc I️’m not taking my placebo pills. Those aren’t for a few more months. The spotting stopped on either last Wednesday or Thursday, and then I️ saw him yesterday and we had sex a few times and now today I started spotting again and I’m feeling some cramps. Isn’t that weird bc I️ JUST stopped??

ALSO less than 2 weeks ago I️ was with him and I️ was spotting and what’s shown in the picture came out of me onto my pad. I️ was thinking it was a blood clot but not all of it is blood, and then my second thought was a miscarriage but I️ can’t say if that’s what it is bc I️ don’t have experience with that. When I️ see a doctor I’m gonna show her that picture.

Sometimes I️ spot when I️ don’t see him and I’m not having sex and I’m guessing that’s from my birth control, but then I️ also bleed every time we have sex. I️t might not be right after the first time, but I️ start bleeding eventually. Sex doesn’t hurt for me and I️ don’t think our sex is rough enough to cause bleeding.

Can anyone tell me what might possibly be up? I’ve looked up some stuff on the internet and I’m gonna schedule a doctors appointment tomorrow bc I’m so fed up with having messy sex and ruining all my nice underwear (I️ would call to schedule today but it’s Sunday) but until then does anyone have insight or advice?