To believe or not to believe???

Nessie • 💐

Being 30 weeks pregnant, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how I want to raise my child when It comes to “make believe” characters such as Santa, The Easter Bunny etc. Me & my fiancé are both Christians & we plan on raising our children the same (at least until they’re old enough to make that decision for themselves). My problem is, I was raised to believe all these fictional things until I eventually grew out of it. Once I figured it out, it wasn’t a big deal to me. The more I think about it though the more I realize that it’s really taking from the true meaning of these celebrations. I want my kids to know the reality of things, but I’m conflicted because they will be children & I obviously want them to have as much fun & excitement as possible. Since I was raised to know them, I’ll feel like I’m taking part of there childhood away. I really don’t know! How do you raise / plan to raise your children when it comes to Santa or any other made up character??

(Didn’t know exactly where to post this, if it’s in the wrong group admin can move it.)