


I went vegan a year ago and stopped because my nails started growing in funny. When I️ questioned it dr said I️ was becoming anemic and my nails were a sign. Instead of trying to find a way to get more nutrients I️ switched back to a carnivores diet and quite frankly I️ feel like crap!! What can I️ do to prevent this on the future if (when) I️ go the vegan route again?


I’ll try to find a pic of my nail and post it :)

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Posted at
Were you a healthy vegan or junk food vegan? It really makes a difference 😅 also, B12 will be your bestie, i take two tablets once a week and that's done the trick to keep me on track 😊


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You need to make sure that you're eating beans, they have a TON of iron in them and that will help. And also, take some vegan vitamins. As well as almond milk, they have a great amount of calcium! I've been vegan for a year in January and I know that you really have to eat right. Try "MyFitnessPal" only for the nutrients because that's what will show you whether you're getting enough nutrition or not.


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Have all your levels tested.. iron calcium etc. Your dr should have suggested that. Their is plenty of vegan supplements if you need one.


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Thanks ladies!! I️ are healthy but apparently not enough b12


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depends on why you were anemic. low b12 or low iron? if low b12 (or even if not) supplement it or drink/eat fortified food every day. If it was low iron, make sure to watch your intake so you know you consume enough and eat/drink anything with vitamin c in it to make it much easier to absorb by your body. Putting some lemon juice in your salad dressing or drinking a glass of orange juice with every meal are some great ways to get that vitamin c.


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Eat foods rich in iron (dark leafy greens for example-although there’s so much more!) or take an iron supplement daily.


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try Floradix iron supplement (liquid) Nutritional yeast also has B12.Make sure to know what you need and what food you must consume.