What do I do????

I just woke up to get ready for work and I am trapped in my bathroom. I am nauseous, throwing up, have the poops, and a fever. It's 5:30 a.m where I live and I didn't want to wake my manager and her family by calling her so I texted her and told what is going on and asked if she would cover me. She has not answered and normally doesn't when I text her for anything. I can't call my actual place of work until 8:00 a.m and if I am forced to go in I have to leave my house at 8:20 a.m to get there on time. What do I do if my manager doesn't answer me? I know they will think I am lying because it was just a holiday and last week I only worked a day and half. A full 7.25 hour work day and a half day of 4.25 hours. I normally work a ton more than that. There are weeks where I only get 1 day off or a half a day. But anyway, what do I do??