Hsv-2 and delivery possibly in 2 days.

Hello ladies. I need advice and opinions, I have hsv-2 and I’m still quite young. Not in my teens but not fully out of them. Therefore I like to think I know everything but I damn know that I do not. However, I’m set to be induced Wednesday at 9pm because my son is weighing a little big. My skin has always been really sensitive down there and everytime a doctor or Obygn uses the ultrasound gel to check my cervix I get what I assume is a rash. It irritates my skin and makes it a little itchy. Well my doctor checked my cervix last week and I got the skin irritation part of it. The issue to me is that I don’t know if the gel triggers a break out or just a rash. Part of me really doesn’t feel comfortable even thinking about vaginal delivery. But the other part of me is kind of very scared of a c section. Of course in the long run I want to have a healthy baby and will do anything for that. I go back to my doctor today at 3 and I just want to hear if you guys think I should request to have a c section because of the possible break out or what could just be a skin rash?