Mrs P • Wife & mummy to a 10 month old. 👼🏼 11th of Dec 2017 💔👼🏼

I had a post up last Wednesday about bleeding. I'm still bleeding and cramping doctors won't see me as I'm not filling pads :( im going INSANE.

Update1 **

Finallllly got someone to listen and I'm getting scanned tomorrow. Fingers crossed this puts my mind at ease


Scanned today and seen the heartbeat 😍 I need to take it easy and scan again in two weeks. Just get cosy in there bubs ❤️


Felt a gush now this... why can't I get a break now back to worry. Really hope it's just nothing and I don't fill this pad.

Update 4**

Sac is too small for the baby fearing the worst :( bleeding getting heavier and wearing pads now. Anyone have any experience with this?