I️ cannnnot take this anymore


As of today 11/27/17 I️m 40weeks and 4days my bday was 11/12 and I️ prayed she didn’t come in my bday I️ guess I️ was being super selfish my actual due date wasn’t untill 11/23 now 4 days later I️m waiting and I️ feel like she is never ever ever gonna come like I️m going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I’ve been walking playing basket ball , rolling on a ball , had sex my spouse even ejaculated inside me, eating pineapples , spicy food , raspberry leaf tea , I’ve even used my breast pump and look and read other people stories so I️ can feel connected and NOOOOTHING!! Idk what todo everyone says they understand but idc because I️ know they don’t. Then everyday I️ get a text from at least 2 people asking about is she here yet ? Yeah clearly she has been here and I️ just didnt want to tell anyone. I️ want to send a picture of my stomach with me holding my middle finger up . My spouse works and live in Houston Texas and I️m in Chicago he got here 11/18 and he leaves december 3 I️m soooo scared she won’t be here in time and he won’t get to see here untill christmas my biggest fear his heart will be crushed is he misses the birth of baby’s girl guys idk what todo anymore at this point. Sorry I️ ramble I️ feel so much better now 😂😂😂