Sleeping? Please answer!


How do you all put your baby(s) to bed? What’s the routine? Do you swaddle still or just lay baby in their crib?

I’m asking because we swaddle our 14 month old and he sleeps from 8:30PM to around 9:30AM, but I was wondering if swaddling him for so long (at his age) will cause issues for him sleeping in the future?

He doesn’t stay swaddled all night he gets out of it and is always standing by morning but I don’t wanna mess him up and am thinking about trying another way to get him to sleep if swaddling is not the best way..

EDIT: I forgot to add that I’m expecting another in June and we will be transitioning him out of the crib around December next year (I think?) so I don’t wanna mess his sleep up for when he’s in a bigger bed!!