

Hey ladies, so i have a problem. Last week i started my period on a Friday and it ended on a Tuesday. I am on birth control as well. Recently awaiting for my period i had sex w. my boyfriend and for some reason he decided to cum in me. I was on the inactive pills at this time. So i was suppose to start a new pack Sunday but never did because my pharmacy didn’t have it in stock until Tuesday. So i had to wait it out. When i did get my birth control is was a new name on it but the same pill I’ve been taking for a year. Now when i took it that night i felt different i had a migraine, felt weak i just didn’t feel myself also i did bloat like i have water weight or something because i feel fat. Also i don’t know if this deals with the pill or not but i have chest pain and mid upper back pain like gas is moving around but it doesn’t want to come out. I haven’t been to the bathroom lately so maybe that’s why, because once i eat i lay down after which is bad. Me being an extra person and my anxiety is bad i always think I’m pregnant. Took a test actually yesterday morning that came back negative. I also did speak with my doctor today she says i shouldn’t worry. But i keep stressing myself out. Should i not worry at all?