morning sickness is a load of crap!

Price • Together for over 13 years, married 6 years. After 3yrs ttc w/PCOS we finally have our son! now without trying we r pregnant with baby #2

they call it Morning sickness which is a huge cruel joke! this is my second pregnancy, with my first I was never sick not even one day. this time I am sick 24/7. night time is worse I'm up all night either having to pee or having to throw up. eating helps but as soon as I'm done it's right back 😭🤢🤮. I'm gonna be as big as a house!! anyone have anything that has helped them?? if this lasts longer then 12 weeks I'll lose my mind, I'm 9 weeks 5days. in my opinion there is nothing worse than throwing up. I had gallstones with my first with horrible attacks that landed me in the hospital. I'll take that again over this...