Cycle day 58, any hope I’m preggo? Share your stories


To make a long story slightly less long, I was diagnosed with PCOS in May and the doctor started me on metformin and soirnolactone. I responded very well and had a cycle on my own in July, August, September and (I think?) October. Then my insurance changed so I couldn’t go back to that same doctor for a med refill so I had to go to my PCP. He was able to give me the metformin, but not the spirnolactone and I no longer have insurance (changed jobs and can’t get insurance coverage here until January 1st) so I can’t go to an OBGYN for it. My last successful cycle was 23 days so I was doing great! But not it’s been nearly two months and nothing. My PCP also only gave me 500mg even though I was on 850mg.

Is there any hope that maybe I’m pregnant or will get pregnant? My body feels like maybe I’m having some pms symptoms, but my irritability and mood swings have been more severe than my typical pms. I also woke up kind of nauseous this morning and when we were out to dinner last night I tried a bite of the soup my bf ordered which I usually like, but it tasted like medicine to me.

I know I just need to take a test, but I’m so sick of seeing a negative that I’m afraid to take one as that is likely what it will be. I guess I just need some hope. Any success stories?