IS THIS NORMAL?! Huge clot...


I had a c section 12 days ago. The afterbirth bleeding I’ve been having started to slow down and go away, only going through 1-2 pads a day, looking like old blood, no bright blood. Yesterday I started experiencing a sharp cramp like pain in my left side. I thought nothing of it, just put it to my stomach muscles getting back to normal. Today I’ve been experiencing more cramps mostly on my left side but also random jabs of pain in my right side, along with being light headed, and if I stand up to fast I get dizzy. About 20 minutes ago, I felt this come out followed by a bunch of smaller ones and now I am bleeding heavily all bright blood. I called my dr and I have an appointment tomorrow, I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else after a c section? Should I be worried?

Quarter for size comparison. It was really thick.