90% Sure I’m Bi


Ok this has been bugging me since pride month. I’ve always loved guys and no way that’ll change. I have a bf that I’ve been with for almost 5yr. Girls are so cute. I talk about them with my dad and sometimes my bf. I’ve kissed girls, felt their boobs (I even like my own), and admire their curves.

I have no problems dating one because I’m the type who sees a soul rather than a body. I have almost no issues having fun with one. There’s one thing about girls that bugs me: vaginas. I don’t even like my own. They’re just too messy and smelly for me. But so long as I don’t have to touch one, I’m fine with everything else.

I want to find out if this is legit bi or just “I appreciate the beauty of women”. I’ve discussed this with my therapist and she doesn’t seem to pick one or the other. I guess my bi-fi signal isn’t that strong. I more or less identify as one. I came out to my mom which was... uh... not fun. I think what I identify as is what matters.

I’d like to know what the LGBT community thinks though.