
Patch • First they're sour then they're sweet.

Is there one person (or more) that you just cannot for whatever reason seem to forgive for their actions or lack of?

I have a girl I was close to in high school until the last year, nothing happened we just drifted apart a bit. We still said hi & smiled in the halls if we passed each other, etc.

My then bf started cheating & sleeping with her. She was aware that we were together but made no efforts to let me know what he was up too. I felt & still feel absolutely betrayed by her. She keeps friend requesting me on fb. I’ve tried to be friends with her but I can’t seem to shake that betrayal feeling. It’s a shame really & it may seem silly or childish to some but I can’t seem to forgive her for it. He’s the only other guy besides my now husband, that I feel I’ve ever been in love with. I don’t speak with him anymore & this was all nearly 9 years ago.

Not only that but her oldest son looks just like him, whether he’s his or not is unknown to me.

If this isn’t the proper place for this topic, please let me know & I’ll move it.