Single Mother By Choice

So.... I need to rant.

I’ve had several people tell me I’m making the wrong choice by ending my engagement and separating from my baby’s father.

First off.

If worrying about my own mental state for ones and wanting to ACTUALLY be HAPPY again makes me a bad person? Then I must be one fucking evil bitch because you know what? I don’t care.

Why should I put up with verbal and mental abuse?

He says he’s getting help but how’s that change the damage he’s already caused?

The things he said, you can’t take back. The things he’s done.... You can not take back.

He thinks he’s bettering himself for our relationship?

But it’s already over. I broke it off with him and some how he thinks we’re still engaged?

That just cause he’s seeing one doctor means it’s going to fix everything?


I’m sorry. But I’m not risking that situation again.

I’ve been telling him for months and months that he’s hurting me and he never listened. In fact I got backlash for it and he’s purposely do and say things to hurt me.

It was the last straw when I started standing up For myself and he tried to take the ring away as a threat.

Then tried to take back his actions.

The cuts been made and you can’t undo it.

So if being a single mom for my mental health and for my unborn child’s health makes me evil....?

Burn me at stake cause I’m the spawn of Satan.

I felt no sympathy as I told him it was over and he sobbed.

He had already made me cry 6 times in the span of 3 Days while visiting his family.

He already humiliated me in front of his sister and made his cruel remarks in front of his mom.

The fact that HIS family is backing my decision up.... Says a lot about his character.

So yes.

I’ve decided to be a single mother.

Because while it most definitely Will Not be easy....

It will be easier without him.

It’ll be easier for me because I can finally breathe again, do what I want again, go out with friends again, wear make up without being shamed, get my nails done, spend time with my family without guilt and just be myself again....

He took away my freedom and I’ve taken it back.

He tried to control me and I’ve finally taken back my own rights again.

I have been happier in the past two days then I have been since I told him I was pregnant at 3 1/2 Weeks. IM 12 WEEKS NOW!!

So do I feel bad that he’s going to miss a few appointments now?



Because consequences have actions.

You treat me like shit?

Don’t expect any favors or respect from me.

Not for a long while anyways.

I’ll keep you updated .... via text.

I’ll keep your family updated via phone calls, video calls and texts. (Would have his mother at appointments if she lived in state)

Keep your hate comments to yourself. I’m really not asking for approval or opinions anymore.

I’m just ranting, sharing my feelings because that’s another thing he took from me.... the right to express myself.

So here’s a big fuck You to my ex🖕🏻

Go get help and then you’ll be allowed around the baby🖕🏻

Try to fight for custody and I’ll let the lawyers know about your drinking and drug issues.


We live in a mother state. Meaning unless I’m filling myself up with drugs and selling my body, they will not take the child from me.

In fact they will do everything to keep the child in my care.

Rant over. 😂😂 I feel better.