Ovulation CD 19 or 24?!?! HELP!!!!


So I posted about a week ago as I'd thought I'd ovulated around the 16th and I'd been TTC all the week of ovulation up until about the 19th. Glow expected my ovulation was the 16th but another app Clue predicted my ovulation on the 21st (my cycles this year have been everything from 32-89 days

as I have PCOS).

So basically I've had negative tests so far but I'm wondering if it's because it's far too early if I only ovulated on the 20-21st?! However my period is due according to Glow tomorrow, but Clue says December 5th. Arrggghhh I hate PCOS!!!!

Anyone else been in a situation like this and got a BFP later?! Do I still have a chance?! And when should I start taking tests again?? I was planning on doing a test tomorrow as it's the day AF is due according to Glow but if it's more like what Clue has said then it'd be 6 days before my period is due which might be a bit early?! Eeeek help!!!



Thanks!!! Xxx