Chart Help please!!

I had a big dip in temp on cd 14. But I had no egg white cervical mucous or any positive opk's yet. The next day I got my first positive opk, and egg white cervical mucous started and continued on for three days. My opk was positive for three days as well. I got a negative opk today. My temp dipped from 97.36Monday, then 97.21 on Tuesday, and then now 97.67 today. I feel like I ovulated today because my cervical mucous stopped and I got a negative opk, but my temps don't look like a big dip. It's just a small tiny dip then goes up. I also woke up twice last night so that could have affected it. But anyways, can anyone say whether they think I just ovulated? Looking at my chart, it looks like the CD 14is my ovulation day with the way the dip is and the spike, but there was no signs of it or any positive opk's. Today is cd 18, which is right around the time I ovulated last month. My husband and I baby dance Sunday and yesterday. Trying for our first!