My Birth Story


I was high risk. I have hypothyroidism and he was going to have a left clubbed foot. This meant I was at the Doctors 3 times a week for Non stress tests and Fluid ultrasounds. I was at an appt for both of them at 37 weeks and 5 days. They took my BP and it was high. Had me do the other things and said they would retest after. It was still very high after. So the doctor came in and talked to me. Which I knew wasn't going to be great because all my tests were done by nurses as they were just basic things. He basically said I think you have Gestational Hypertension and you need to go over to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. Because you are past 37 weeks if they keep you, you will be induced and have a baby. I was in shock. I had never had high BP until I was 7 months pregnant. They basically thought I was pre preeclamptic. So I went over was monitored for contractions and his heart rate. Turns out the cramping I had felt over the last 3 days were contractions 6 to 9 mins apart lasting over a minute. And my BP never went down. The doc came in and gave my husband and I the option to be admitted and induced or go home do a 24 hour urine and if its positive come back the next day and be induced. We decided we were already there mine as well stay. And that started our 6 days in the hospital. That night I was given a cervix ripener which made the contractions more intense and more patterned. I ate my final meal from Taco Bell and slept very little. The nurses had to vome in a d check on me every hour and my son kept playing games and making it hard for them to monitor. After about 4 hours I asked for some pain meds. Not the epidural but something less strong. They have them to me and came in not too much longer and said we have to take the ripener out you are contracting too much. 6 every 10 mins! I didn't feel them. They took it out and started the pitocin. I had gone from 1 to 3 cm and 50% effacement in a couple hours. They kept me on that til the next morning when they stopped it to see if my body would do it on its own. By now I had a steady drip of epidural so felt nothing. The pain from the epidural was worth not feeling those things. I had felt enough to call it a day. My body didn't so they started it again. Every cervical exam was no change until I finally hit 4cm. They decided to break my water and gave me a couple hours. I had no change after that again so they said we are going to put different monitors on you to measure his heart rate and your contractioons better. Two hours later they came back and said your baby is getting stressed out with every contraction, you're not dilating its time we talk Csection. I originally didnt want one unless it was needed. And she made it clear it was. Less than 15 minutes later I was being prepped and wheeled off. Shaking so bad they had to give me meds to numb ALL of me instead of just waist down. Less than an hour later my little boy was born. 5lbs 11.9 oz 19 inches of perfect. Healthy and crying. On Turkey Day nonetheless! Not what I originally planned but worth all of it. Now He's a week old and thriving and I'm a week postpartum loving this little boy that after 6 years of infertility and hope exists. We still can't believe it. It was all worth it. ALL OF IT. Believe it or not this is the short version lol