I'm going to go crazy 😲😠


I've made a post before about my step mother butting in my relationship. Now I swear she has a thing for my finace. The way she talks to him, and looks at him, she's not like that with anyone else, she's not ever that worried about my brother who's 11, or even me. she tells us to get over something if we're in pain. She's always worried about him, and asking if he's ok, she's very attentive to everything he does, and says. Literally everything out of her mouth is a compliment about him, or her agreeing with him ( I mean who agrees with everything someone says unless they have a thing for them?) or she's insulting me in a joking way, or even a serious way, saying how no guy would put up with my emotions, and that if she was a guy she'd run away, she's even gone as far as extending an invitation to his mother to use the shower here, when his family was going through something with his dad, when she knows his mother physically attacked me about three weeks ago at that time, isn't she supposed to be on my side, and support me? ( and obviously I have to get over his mother attacking me to be able to have a healthy relationship with him, but it was three weeks old ) she also says all the time that I'd be a horrible mother, because I don't know how to cook, I'm not into the holidays, I want a job, and my relationship is equal because I'm not marrying a child. Just yesterday she said, you're going to be a horrible mother, you don't want to put up a Christmas tree, you don't cook, and you don't do laundry, what are you good for?( I've done laundry for three years straight for both my finace and I, and she said ok well the past two days I've only seen Preston do it. what about all the days before that? what you think a ghost that looks exactly like me is cleaning our clothes? 😒) she completely ignores everything I do and makes it seem like I don't do anything for MY finace if she sees him doing something himself. She's doesn't even talk to anyone else the way she does him. I'm getting pissed because I can't say anything about it, and my dad is oblivious to it, and he's a selfish jerk anyway which is why she's looking outside the relationship, and I don't blame her, but she's crossing lines, and they both would be happier apart, my brother would be better off also... here's an example of what she says to my finace all the time, and what she's saying she wants is a vape but it doesn't make sense that she would text him that at 10 pm at night while he's at work letting him know what she wants now does it? that's something I would do. He literally always ignores her, and he has noticed it and finds it weird. they talk all the time though about that vape shit, I think she thinks thats her in, they have a lot in common too which pisses me off.