Seven Seas fertility tablets


So been ttc number baby number 2 for nearly 18 months, I have an underactive thyroid, last cell activation pcos and a blood clotting issue. My plan was genuinely to stop trying but for my very last attempt got Seven Seas fertility. I started taking them late as forgot and started taking them 5 days before ovulation was predicted. We have been working on our new house and he's been so tired, I kinda left him alone most of the time and felt that we had missed our last chance. I didn't want to try any more because I felt like it was ruling my thoughts and I have daughter already, he has a son and a daughter and doesn't want to be and old dad(He's just 40) anyway I got the BFP and I'm sure it was the tablets. They did make me feel more aware of everything in my body. Although I'm useless to ladies wondering about early symptoms, I've had almost nothing to notice as previous pregnancy. Going to tell him at Christmas if I can wait that long. good luck to all of you and glow really did help. I tested with a cheap test 2 days before af and again after to check density of the line, I have had the line and weeks on a test reduce before when I have had a mc previously.