Metformin with progesterone


Has anyone ever had this combination together? Has it helped boost their period ? I was diagnosed with PCOS last December and I’ve had hypothyroidism since March 2014. My periods are all out of wack.. I may or may not see them for 3-6 gyno put me on progesterone every month Day1-14 to help boost my period and it helps when I take it. If I stop then I will a period one month but the next I won’t see one. So my cousin has the same problem and told me her gyno prescribed her metformin 500mg 2x a day and then the progesterone day1-14 to hell with her periods as well she said she did that for a couple months and it boosted her up so much that her periods came every month. She is now pregnant.. she’ll be 6 mths this weekend. I’m 26 and TTC I’m hoping this will help me out.